At United, we focus on making a real, positive impact in the community, guided by a set of strategic goals that drive our growth and improve the quality of the services we offer. Our Strategic Plan is built on four fundamental pillars, each aimed at ensuring a sustainable, innovative, and opportunity-filled future for the people we serve.

Goal 1: Governance

United is recognised for having sound governance that supports continuous improvement.


      • Strategically increase board membership and improve Board functioning.
      • Ensure sustainable decisions that maximize enduring value.
      • Develop a culture of growth while responding to community needs.
      • Actively manage risk.
What this Means:
      • Best practice governance and risk management.
      • Development of specific Board and Management KPIs.
      • Transparent stakeholder engagement.

Goal 2: Services and Programs

United makes a real difference to our community’s health and wellbeing.


      • Engage and work in partnership with the community.
      • Develop partnerships with key stakeholders for high-quality services.
      • Use research, evidence-based practices, and maximize impact investments.
What this Means:
      • Consumer-directed services.
      • Responsive and innovative based on client experience.
      • Deliver outcomes with a strong evidence base.
      • Innovative place-based activities and services.

Goal 3: Resources

United operates sustainably and grows.


      • Be business-ready for aged care and NDIS reforms.
      • Grow and diversify income to reach $5 million in annual turnover.
      • Improve visibility, marketing, and communications.
      • Advocate to government and stakeholders to address community needs.
What this Means:
      • Develop new income streams.
      • Make the best use of resources.
      • Promote the brand and maximise reputation.
      • Model environmentally sustainable practices.

Goal 4: Organisational Development

United is a leading employer of choice with a culture of valuing people.


      • Attract, recruit, develop, and retain the best people.
      • Provide resources, systems, and tools to support staff and Board goals.
      • Ensure the highest level of OH&S compliance.
What this Means:
      • Support for staff and a culture of excellence.
      • Fair and equitable resource use.
      • Continuous promotion of the brand and reputation.